Liu Tao

est originaire d’un petit village de montagne de la province de Jiangxi en Chine. Enfant solitaire d’une famille tenue à l’écart pour excès d’indépendance d’esprit, il trouve refuge dans le graffiti, puis dans la photo. Sa série A Weak Road le révèle au public en 2012, il expose à 27 ans à Beijing puis à Paris et remporte de nombreux prix. Depuis, il a réalisé plus d’une quinzaine d’expositions solo. Il trouve sa principale inspiration dans le cinéma d’auteur, de Fassbinder à Ozu. Aujourd’hui, il mène une vie d’errance entre Beijing, Shanghai et Guangzhou, au coeur de la féroce agitation de la Chine contemporaine, toujours animé par sa folle poursuite de liberté. 


Le Monde,


Fisheye Magazine,

Photography of China,

The Guardian

Boutique de Liu

English text below

Liu Tao comes from a small mountain village in Jiangxi Province, China. He grew up a lonely child, whose parents were ostracized because of their honesty. He became addicted to graffiti, then to photography, then grew up to work in bars, factories and magazines. His breakthrough came at 27 in 2012 with the series A Weak Road exhibited in Beijing and in Paris. He was granted multiple awards and over the next years had his work shown at over fifteen solo exhibitions. His main inspiration comes from filmmakers such as Fassbinder and Ozu. Today, Liu Tao lives a Bohemian life from Beijing to Shanghai and Guangzhou. The crazy pursuit of freedom and wildness is burning in his lonely blood and he indulging in the fierce agitation of China like a drunk.